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Member Spotlight ❗️

Jennifer Rodriguez has been a member of the BenAFits Body Shop community since 2019! She first started lifting as a general training type lifter but made the change to powerlifting in 2020 and “has been in love with the bar ever since”.

Jennifer has competed in 3 competitions one of which was a national competition where she got to compete against some of the strongest females around. She notes the experience was humbling and truly unforgettable.

“Blood, sweat and tears have been shed during my powerlifting journey and there is no other place I would want to continue becoming stronger than at BenAFits Body Shop”

-Jennifer R

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Member Spotlight ❗️

Christian Kornegay born in Herndon, VA is a true man of strength. With a high character in and out of the gym it is easy to root for him in his powerlifting endeavor. Christian started his lifting during high school in weight training class and quickly fell in love. He began body building style training after graduating but soon realized his love for lifting big weight.

In 2018 Christian hired a powerlifting coach and trained for close to a year before he decided to compete in his first meet. Although he was a “nervous mess” going into the competition Christian credits the other athletes in the powerlifting community with helping him have an easy and enjoyable first meet, going 9/9 with 27 white lights and earning first in his class.

Since his first meet Christian has competed in numerous meets including the first ever USAPL Virginia Pro and the 2022 Arnold Pro AM. “Going up against the best of the best was tough” Christian says, and “although I didn’t place it has only made me hungrier to get better everyday which is exactly what I do day in and day out”.

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Member Spotlight❗️

Alexei Shustikoff at just 19 years old is a true embodiment of a BenAFits Body Shop member. Dedicated, disciplined, and goal driven are just a part of who Alex is but a big part in why he is our first member spotlight. This young man is respectful, polite, and sets a great example in the gym.

This past year Alex competed in his first show placing 1st Teen, 1st True Novice B, 1st Junior, 2nd Novice B, and Overall 6th.

Alex started his physical fitness journey at 3 years old doing gymnastics for 13 years. For the better part of 6 years he has focused on bodybuilding the last year of which working with his coach @major_aesthetics .

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